Make sure your project build settings are generating a dSYM file. DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT should be set to dwarf-with-dsym for all configurations

Snowcrash picture Snowcrash · Mar 23, 2015 · Viewed 53.6k times · Source

I've recently started getting this error:

2015-03-23 11:35:48.902 run[60036:1047011] Crashlytics.framework/run 1.3.14
2015-03-23 11:35:48.911 run[60036:1047011] 

Crashlytics: dSYM Error

Unable to process <your app>.app.dSYM at path /path/to/<your app>.app.dSYM
Make sure your project build settings are generating a dSYM file. DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT should be set to dwarf-with-dsym for all configurations. This could also be a timing issue, make sure the Crashlytics run script build phase is the last build phase and no other scripts have moved the dSYM from the location Xcode generated it.

Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1

I tried this answer Unable to copy dSYM file into archive but all my Generate Debug Symbols are set to YES

Any further suggestions?


ABS picture ABS · Jul 20, 2015

The below solution worked for me ,i hope it will help you.

Goto build setting of your project then Search for debug information format in build setting and search for "Debug information format" then set "Debug information format" to "DWARF with dSYM file"

enter image description here

and make sure Generate debug symbol in build setting is set to Yes.