AVURLAsset getting video size

Swissdude picture Swissdude · May 3, 2012 · Viewed 38.9k times · Source

This is pretty frustrating. I'm trying to get the size of an AVURLasset, but try to avoid naturalSize since Xcode tells me, this is deprecated in iOS5.

But: What's the replacement?

I can't find any clue on how to get the video-dimensions without using «naturalsize»...


Avt picture Avt · Dec 18, 2015

Resolution in Swift 3:

func resolutionSizeForLocalVideo(url:NSURL) -> CGSize? {
    guard let track = AVAsset(URL: url).tracksWithMediaType(AVMediaTypeVideo).first else { return nil }
    let size = CGSizeApplyAffineTransform(track.naturalSize, track.preferredTransform)
    return CGSize(width: fabs(size.width), height: fabs(size.height))

For Swift 4:

func resolutionSizeForLocalVideo(url:NSURL) -> CGSize? {
    guard let track = AVAsset(url: url as URL).tracks(withMediaType: AVMediaType.video).first else { return nil }
    let size = track.naturalSize.applying(track.preferredTransform)
    return CGSize(width: fabs(size.width), height: fabs(size.height))

Solutions without preferredTransform do not return correct values for some videos on the latest devices!