Get a users Xbox Achievements list?

Eran Kampf picture Eran Kampf · Sep 12, 2010 · Viewed 8.4k times · Source

Is there a way to get a user's achievements list from Xbox without dealing with screen scraping etc.? How do sites like do it? (they're definitely not screen scraping as they do not have my Live ID credentials...)

I know there's the Xbox LIVE Community Developer Program (XCDP) that provides some API but they do not provide achievements information as far as I can tell (links below)


djekl picture djekl · Mar 3, 2012

If you want this information you can check out my new site

Again if your profile is public then you can see friends, games and achievements. This has taken me over a year (on and off) to code and is now in public beta. To date it has served nearly 2,000 requests and growing. I am still working on optimising this script and it should only get better in time.

I currently have an API request limit setup for 120 requests per hour per IP.

Lets hope there are no major updates to any time soon.