Top "Xaml" questions

Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) is a declarative XML-based language used for initializing structured values and objects in various frameworks.

Full screen in WPF application

I am developing a WPF application which will be displayed in Full screen. In addition, the application should work on …

c# wpf xaml fullscreen
UserControl's DataContext

I'm creating a UserControl I want to use something like this: <controls:ColorWithText Color="Red" Text="Red color" /> …

wpf xaml datacontext
Data Binding in WPF User Controls

I am creating a UserControl for a series of controls shared by several windows. One of the controls is a …

c# wpf xaml data-binding user-controls
WPF TreeView HierarchicalDataTemplate - binding to object with multiple child collections

I am trying to get a TreeView to bind my collection so that all groups show nested groups and each …

c# wpf xaml treeview hierarchicaldatatemplate
Bind visibility property to a variable

I have a Border with Label inside a Window, <Border x:Name="Border1" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="21" …

c# wpf xaml border visibility
the name <...> does not exist in the namespace clr-namespace <...>

I have a small WPF application which used to compile just fine but is not anymore. I can't really say …

c# .net wpf xaml namespaces
WPF: A TextBox that has an event that fires when the Enter Key is pressed

Instead of attaching a PreviewKeyUp event with each TextBox in my app and checking if the pressed key was an …

c# wpf xaml custom-controls
WPF Binding - Default value for empty string

Is there a standard way to set a default or fallback value for a WPF binding if the bound string …

c# wpf xaml binding
WPF MVVM Why use ContentControl + DataTemplate Views rather than straight XAML Window Views?

Why This? MainWindow.xaml: <Window x:Class="MVVMProject.MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="…

c# wpf xaml mvvm architecture
How to format TimeSpan in XAML

I am trying to format a textblock which is bound to a TimeSpan property. It works if the property is …

c# wpf xaml data-binding string-formatting