Xamarin form: How to reference to the parent binding

LittleFunny picture LittleFunny · Jan 18, 2018 · Viewed 25k times · Source
      <Label Text="{Binding ABC}"></Label>

Assuming this viewcell was inside ListView. If the content page was binding with a view model, how can I get a reference to the content page's binding. Currently, 'ABC' is referencing the property of an object in the list but i want to get the value from the content page's bindingcontext.

   <TapGestureRecognizer BindingContext="{x:Reference page}" Command="{Binding OnSignInCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding Model}" />


Mina Fawzy picture Mina Fawzy · Oct 21, 2018

@qubuss gave the correct answer below, but I would like to give more context and show an example to make it more clear:

Lets consider the following page:

    x:Name="firstPage" -->this reference parent context
  <ListView x:Name="ListSource"
            ItemsSource="{Binding ListSource}" >
                         // this come from item source
                    <Label Text="{Binding ABC}"></Label>
                    <Button Command="{Binding BindingContext.CommandFromParent
                           , Source={x:Reference firstPage} }" />


your view Model should look like that

 public class ViewModelName 
        private List<YourDataType> _listSource = new List<YourDataType>();

        public List<YourDataType> ListSource
            get => _listSource;
                _listSource = value;

        public ICommand CommandFromParent => new Command(HandleYourActionHere);


Explanation When we write BindingContext.CommandFromParent, BindingContext represents the BindingContext of firstPage(x:Name="firstPage") which is of type ViewModelName