How to create a never ending background service in Xamarin.Forms?

naye mtz picture naye mtz · Sep 26, 2019 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I am monitoring the user's location every 15 minutes and I just want the application to continue sending the location even if the user closes the application in the taskbar.

I tried this sample but it's in Xamarin.Android i have to create a dependencyservice but i don't know how.


Mikolaj Kieres picture Mikolaj Kieres · Sep 26, 2019

You might want to have a look at Shiny by Allan Ritchie. It's currently in beta but I would still suggest using it, as it will save you a lot of trouble writing this code yourself. Here's a blog post by Allan, explaining what you can do with Shiny in terms of background tasks - I think Scheduled Jobs are the thing you're looking for.