I'm about to start using the MS ReportViewer in a WPF application by placing the ReportViewer in a WindowsFormsHost.
Is this the correct approach? What is the best way of designing the reports as you cannot use the ReportViewer at design time in a WindowsFormsHost.
Is it best to create an RDL report in SQL Server and then convert it to an RDLC or maybe to create a new Winforms app to create an RDLC file in a WinForms framework and then copy it to the WPF app.
I will need to filter the reports via dropdowns so there's that aspect to consider too. If anyone out there is already using ReportViewer in WPF I would appreciate some feedback on the best approach.....Many thanks.
Yes, that works, I am using the WindowsFormsHost in a wpf project to wrap the ReportViewer.
In the ViewModel I am creating the WindowsFormsHost and the ReportViewer:
WindowsFormsHost windowsFormsHost = new WindowsFormsHost();
reportViewer = new ReportViewer();
windowsFormsHost.Child = reportViewer;
this.Viewer = windowsFormsHost
and in the View I am using a ContentPresenter to display it, by binding to the Property that holds the WindowsFormsHost.
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Viewer}" ...
We're using the Business Intelligence Studio (which is an Visual Studio 2008 with templates for editing reports) for report creation. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms173767.aspx
Take care,