MVVM Passing EventArgs As Command Parameter

Ahmed Ghoneim picture Ahmed Ghoneim · Jun 1, 2011 · Viewed 106.1k times · Source

I'm using Microsoft Expression Blend 4
I have a Browser ..,

[ XAML ] ConnectionView " Empty Code Behind "

        <WebBrowser local:AttachedProperties.BrowserSource="{Binding Source}">
                    <i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding LoadedEvent}"/>
                <i:EventTrigger EventName="Navigated">
                    <i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding NavigatedEvent}" CommandParameter="??????"/>

[ C# ] AttachedProperties class

public static class AttachedProperties
        public static readonly DependencyProperty BrowserSourceProperty = DependencyProperty . RegisterAttached ( "BrowserSource" , typeof ( string ) , typeof ( AttachedProperties ) , new UIPropertyMetadata ( null , BrowserSourcePropertyChanged ) );

        public static string GetBrowserSource ( DependencyObject _DependencyObject )
            return ( string ) _DependencyObject . GetValue ( BrowserSourceProperty );

        public static void SetBrowserSource ( DependencyObject _DependencyObject , string Value )
            _DependencyObject . SetValue ( BrowserSourceProperty , Value );

        public static void BrowserSourcePropertyChanged ( DependencyObject _DependencyObject , DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs _DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs )
            WebBrowser _WebBrowser = _DependencyObject as WebBrowser;
            if ( _WebBrowser != null )
                string URL = _DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs . NewValue as string;
                _WebBrowser . Source = URL != null ? new Uri ( URL ) : null;

[ C# ] ConnectionViewModel Class

public class ConnectionViewModel : ViewModelBase
            public string Source
                get { return Get<string> ( "Source" ); }
                set { Set ( "Source" , value ); }

            public void Execute_ExitCommand ( )
                Application . Current . Shutdown ( );

            public void Execute_LoadedEvent ( )
                MessageBox . Show ( "___Execute_LoadedEvent___" );
                Source = ...... ;

            public void Execute_NavigatedEvent ( )
                MessageBox . Show ( "___Execute_NavigatedEvent___" );

[ C# ] ViewModelBase class Here

Finally :
Binding with commands works well and MessageBoxes shown

My Question :
How to pass NavigationEventArgs as Command Parameters when Navigated Event occurs ?


E.Z. Hart picture E.Z. Hart · Jun 1, 2011

It's not easily supported. Here's an article with instructions on how to pass EventArgs as command parameters.

You might want to look into using MVVMLight - it supports EventArgs in command directly; your situation would look something like this:

    <i:EventTrigger EventName="Navigated">
        <cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding NavigatedEvent}"
            PassEventArgsToCommand="True" />