What is the difference between Width and ActualWidth in WPF?

Andreas Grech picture Andreas Grech · Mar 3, 2009 · Viewed 51.8k times · Source

I am currently working with Panels in WPF, and I noticed that as regards the Width and Height properties, there are also two other properties called ActualWidth and ActualHeight.


Gets the rendered width of this element. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)


Gets or sets the width of the element. This is a dependency property. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.)

Reference: MSDN

Can anyone point out the differences between the two and when to use either one ?


Muad'Dib picture Muad'Dib · Mar 3, 2009

Width/Height is the requested or layout size. If you set to Auto, then the value is double.NaN when you access the property in code behind.

ActualWidth/ActualHeight and RenderSize.Width/RenderSize.Height both return the element's rendered size, as RenderSize is of type Size. If you want/need the actual size of the item, then use any of these attributes.