Unable to find enum type for static reference in WPF

Christian Studer picture Christian Studer · Apr 15, 2011 · Viewed 10.8k times · Source

I'm trying to bind an enum to a radio button in WPF (Inspired by this answer), but I have trouble finding the enum type for the converter parameter:

The enum is defined in the following way

namespace Application.Models
    public class Enums
        public enum MySelections { one, two ,three };

        public MySelections CurrentSelection;



I am trying to bind now the checkbox like this (The data context is assumed to be correct and the value converter implemented:)

<Window x:Class="Application.MainWindow"
        xnlns:models="clr-namespace:Application.Models" >

<RadioButton Content="One"
             IsChecked="{Binding Path=CurrentSelection, Converter={StaticResource EnumToBooleanConverter}, ConverterParameter={x:Static models:Enums.MySelections.one}}" />

The problem lies with {x:Static models:Enums.MySelections.one} which constantly throws the error that the type models:Enums.MySelections could not be found.

How can I find my enum type?


John Bowen picture John Bowen · Apr 15, 2011

Use "+" instead of "." to get to a nested type in XAML:

{x:Static models:Enums+MySelections.one}