Beginner's guide to 3D graphics programming

Ash picture Ash · Feb 6, 2009 · Viewed 22.6k times · Source

What are the best guides / tutorials / books / websites for someone with minimal experience (or none) in the world of 3D graphics programming?

I realize that the fundamentals of 3D graphics and mathematics apply across platform specific 3D library implementations such as OpenGL, DirectX, WPF etc..

Therefore it would be useful if answers would explain if they focus on a specific library implementation, on the fundamentals, or maybe both.

Rationale for for asking this question:

With Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 3D on the scene, it's realistic for many programmers to now seriously consider using 3D for their applications, where this would have been almost impossible even a few years ago.

I'm sure there are many programmers out there, like me, who find the leap from 2D to 3D a very big one.


HyperCas picture HyperCas · Feb 25, 2009

I recommend that you implement a simple software based 3d rendering engine. Simple stuff like line, quads, lighting etc. You will learn a whole lot more about 3d programming in general, and it will give you a good prescriptive on 3d graphics and it's limitations.

This should get you started: