WPF WebBrowser - How to Zoom Content?

Beems picture Beems · Feb 25, 2011 · Viewed 15.1k times · Source

Trying to test basic browser concepts in a WPF (C#/XAML, .NET 4.0) WebBrowser application. So far, the only problem is programatically zooming. Has anyone had any experience with this?

MSDN lists nothing: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.controls.webbrowser.aspx Additionally, I have tried various things such as RenderTransform options to no avail. Either this is not possible or not documented. I'm hoping for the latter. Note that a WinForm solution isn't acceptable.

Thanks in advance for any help, Beems


Tony picture Tony · Feb 26, 2011

Maybe you can execute a javascript like this.

document.body.style.zoom = 1.5;

In WPF we can manipulate the document. I Created a Extension Method for you, so you can set the Zoom:

// www.tonysistemas.com.br
public static partial class MyExtensions
    public static void SetZoom(this System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser WebBrowser1, double Zoom)
        // For this code to work: add the Microsoft.mshtml .NET reference      
        mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 doc = WebBrowser1.Document as mshtml.IHTMLDocument2;
        doc.parentWindow.execScript("document.body.style.zoom=" + Zoom.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + ";");

