Short question - what is the real difference put in easy and understandable words?..
Extracts from MSDN:
The difference is in the last part of the description of those modes. But I cannot understand it. Can anyone explain it in a more humane way?
The KeyboardNavigation class defines three attached properties that allow the modification of each of the navigation modes:
KeyboardNavigation.TabNavigation, KeyboardNavigation.DirectionalNavigation, KeyboardNavigation.ControlTabNavigation
Each of these properties defines six possible values.These values specifies how the navigation can be done in a list control(eg:ListBox,listview)
for instance;
is used to indicate that when i press the down or up arrow in the keyboard to navigate between items in a list,the navigation stops at the last item or first item,then we have to use the opposite button to navigate further up or down.
is used to indicate that when i press the down or up arrow in the keyboard to navigate between items in a list,the navigation continues from the top or bottom item in a cyclic manner
same is the case with TabNavigation which indicate the navigation mode when we press the tab button in a list