I've slider that its value is bind to some property, and the property updates it all the time. While dragging the [thumb on] slider I want to stop this update value of slider from binding, until user finish it's dragging.
Is there any property on Slider to do that, or I need to write code for that?
Thanks in advance!
The template for Slider includes a Thumb, which raises the ThumbDragDelta event as the mouse is moved. Slider will always update the bound value immediately when it receives a ThumbDragDelta event.
The trick is to stop this event. The easiest way is to subclass Slider:
public class SliderIgnoreDelta : Slider
protected override void OnThumbDragDelta(DragDeltaEventArgs e)
// Do nothing
This slider will not update the value until the thumb drag completes.
Another solution is to intercept the ThumbDragDelta event on the Thumb. If you happen to be re-templating the Slider anyway, this might be a better solution. For example if you already have an EventBlocker class coded up that sets Handled true on the given RoutedEvent, you could put this in your template:
<Thumb my:EventBlocker.EventToBlock="{x:Static Thumb.DragDeltaEvent}" />
But for most cases you'll probably want to go with my first solution.