How to stream Webcam in WPF?

Ramesh Soni picture Ramesh Soni · Jan 5, 2009 · Viewed 16.4k times · Source

Can I stream a live video in WPF application from my web cam? If yes, then How?


Cohen picture Cohen · Jan 5, 2009

You will have to use DirectX Capture or something (is not in WPF right know, so use DirectX API's directly).

Look at: WPF Media Kit. It can grab the Vista Windows desktop manager DirectX Direct3D shared Surface, and use it as a visual brush in WPF. He does some nice things with it. Look at his blog where he explains it.

I hope this helps you on your way...

UPDATE 2009-11-06: The VideoRenderElement Codeplex project has an example on how to stream webcam content. This project looks like it would fit your requirment perfectly.

UPDATE 2013-02-18: Alternatively one can use the Expression Encoder SDK. For an example you can look at the WPF-Webcam-Control article on CodeProject