Datagrid text alignment

Mark W picture Mark W · Sep 6, 2010 · Viewed 18k times · Source

I was wondering if anyone had an easy way to get the text in a WPF data grid to be center aligned. I got the data grid to work just fine, but the right text alignment bothered me. I goggled some, and downloaded the wpftoolkit, but the examples either do not work, or give me a compile error. I did add the reference to the wpftoolkit to my project. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

the xaml for the data grid is as follows

<WpfToolkit:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="True" Margin="15,15,10,65" Name="DG1" CanUserReorderColumns="False" />


Quartermeister picture Quartermeister · Sep 6, 2010

If you set the Block.TextAlignment property to Center on the DataGrid, it will be inherited by the TextBlocks and TextBoxes used in DataGridTextColumns and will center the text:

    CanUserReorderColumns="False" />

If you want to align text in the cells but not in the headers or elsewhere in the Grid, you can set the property on the DataGridCell using CellStyle:

        <Style TargetType="WpfToolkit:DataGridCell">
            <Setter Property="Block.TextAlignment" Value="Center"/>