WPF Using multiple filters on the same ListCollectionView

Brent picture Brent · Dec 20, 2009 · Viewed 15.5k times · Source

I'm using the MVVM design pattern, with a ListView bound to a ListCollectionView on the ViewModel. I also have several comboboxes that are used to filter the ListView. When the user selects an item from the combobox, the ListView is filtered for the selected item. Whenever I want to filter on top of what is already filtered, it undoes my previous filter like it never happened. The same is also true for removing a filter. Removing a filter for one combobox removes all filters and displays the original list. Is it possible to have multiple, separate filters on the same ListCollectionView?

Am I doing something wrong, or is this simply not supported? You can find a screen capture of my application here to see what I am trying to accomplish. Here's my code for filtering...

    /// <summary>
    /// Filter the list
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filter">Criteria and Item to filter the list</param>
    [MediatorMessageSink("FilterList", ParameterType = typeof(FilterItem))]
    public void FilterList(FilterItem filter)
        // Make sure the list can be filtered...
        if (Products.CanFilter)
            // Now filter the list
            Products.Filter = delegate(object obj)
                Product product = obj as Product;

                // Make sure there is an object
                if (product != null)
                    bool isFiltered = false;
                    switch (filter.FilterItemName)
                        case "Category":
                            isFiltered = (product.Category.IndexOf(filter.Criteria, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) != -1 ? true : false;

                        case "ClothingType":
                            isFiltered = (product.ClothingType.IndexOf(filter.Criteria, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) != -1 ? true : false;

                        case "ProductName":
                            isFiltered = (product.ProductName.IndexOf(filter.Criteria, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) != -1 ? true : false;


                    return isFiltered;
                    return false;


Anvaka picture Anvaka · Dec 20, 2009

Every time you set Filter property you reset previous filter. This is a fact. Now how can you have multiple filters?

As you know, there are two ways to do filtering: CollectionView and CollectionViewSource. In the first case with CollectionView we filter with delegate, and to do multiple filters I'd create a class to aggregate custom filters and then call them one by one for each filter item. Like in the following code:

  public class GroupFilter
    private List<Predicate<object>> _filters;

    public Predicate<object> Filter {get; private set;}

    public GroupFilter()
      _filters = new List<Predicate<object>>();
      Filter = InternalFilter;

    private bool InternalFilter(object o)
      foreach(var filter in _filters)
        if (!filter(o))
          return false;

      return true;

    public void AddFilter(Predicate<object> filter)

    public void RemoveFilter(Predicate<object> filter)
      if (_filters.Contains(filter))

  // Somewhere later:
  GroupFilter gf = new GroupFilter();
  listCollectionView.Filter = gf.Filter;

To refresh filtered view you can make a call to ListCollectionView.Refresh() method.

And in the second case with CollectionViewSource you use Filter event to filter collection. You can create multiple event handlers to filter by different criteria. To read more about this approach check this wonderful article by Bea Stollnitz: How do I apply more than one filter? (archive)

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Anvaka.