<i: Interaction.Behavior> option is not coming for applying beahviour

Yogesh picture Yogesh · Sep 13, 2013 · Viewed 16.3k times · Source

I have been trying to implement a behavior on a wpf window therefore I have added reference to System.Winodws.Interactivity in my current solution and then wrote the desired behavior. but in order to apply this behavior, I have to write something like this in Windows XAML.

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication5.MainWindow" 
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525" 
        xmlns:behav ="clr-namespace:WpfApplication5" 


but this is not valid tag because I might have to add reference to any other assembly apart form System.Windows.Interactivity, So, please suggest what else I have to do in order to use tag in XAML


Yogesh picture Yogesh · Sep 13, 2013

After wasting my one hour I came to know that only I had to include System.Windows.Interactivity as reference and which I had already done.

the issue was that Behaviors can not be declared in the Resource part of any control.

the moment I took the following



out of the resources then it worked fine.

So, conclusion only System.Windows.Interacivity is the only required.

Never declare that behavior part in the resources or style.