WPF TabControl Change selected tab

Clint picture Clint · Sep 25, 2009 · Viewed 29.4k times · Source

Hi I have two questions.

  1. How do I programatically change the selected tab in a WPF Tab control from one tab to another.
  2. How would I get a reference to this "other tab" in which I want to set the selected tab?


Kent Boogaart picture Kent Boogaart · Sep 25, 2009
  1. Use SelectedIndex or SelectedItem or by changing the value of the property to which those properties are bound
  2. If you're using SelectedIndex, you don't need a reference to the tab. If you're using SelectedItem, you need a reference to the data item for that tab - not the tab itself. If you've bound one of those properties to another property, you change that property rather than changing the property on the TabControl.