Top "Wpf-controls" questions

WPF controls include UserControls, which are composite collections of other controls, and CustomControls, which are controls built with WPF styles and templates.

How do I make a WPF button look like a link?

I want to use buttons in WPF that are styled like links. Microsoft does this (seemingly inconsistently) in its Windows …

wpf windows xaml wpf-controls styles
'Graying Out' a WPF button image?

I have a simple Button control that contains an Image object as its content. I want so set the Image …

wpf wpf-controls
Grid's SharedSizeGroup and * sizing

I have a user control, call it UserControl, that has a grid with the following column definitions: <Grid.ColumnDefinitions&…

wpf xaml layout wpf-controls grid
How do I Bind WPF Commands between a UserControl and a parent Window

I'l start by letting a picture do some talking. So you see, I want to create a WPF user control …

wpf xaml mvvm wpf-controls data-binding
Text content in a WPF button not being centred vertically

Is there a reason why the text content of a WPF button is appearing with unwanted space above the text? …

wpf xaml wpf-controls
Align button content

I want the content of a wpf button to be left aligned I tried the following but the text is …

wpf controls templates wpf-controls
WPF MVVM Modal Overlay Dialog only over a View (not Window)

I'm pretty much new to the MVVM architecture design... I was struggling lately to find a suitable control already written …

c# wpf mvvm wpf-controls
WPF - TabItem Background color changes when tabitem selected or hover over

I set the Background color of the tabitem in the xaml to RED, but when i run it and hover …

wpf wpf-controls styles tabcontrol tabitem
how use icon [Font-awesome] in WPF

I am new in WPF. I want to use Font-awesome Icon in textbox and button. but the icon is not …

wpf wpf-controls font-awesome
WPF scrollbar for a resizable window

This should be a very simple task, but for some reason I'm running into a lot of problems with it …

wpf wpf-controls scroll scrollviewer