Top "Wow64" questions

Runtime error (dll loading) with win32 applications on x64 system, while compiling 0K

I originally designed a win32 application on win7 32bits, with VC9.0. I recently upgraded to win7 64 bits, and tried to …

c++ dll 64-bit binary-compatibility wow64
Different results with Java's digest versus external utilities

I have written a simple Java class to generate the hash values of the Windows Calculator file. I am using …

java windows md5 digest wow64
How can I share HWND between 32 and 64 bit applications in Win x64?

MSDN tells me that handles to windows (HWND) can be shared between 32- and 64-bit applications, in Interprocess Communication (MSDN). …

c++ c windows wow64
Running 32 bit apps in WinPE 3 (Win7) 64 bit

Trying to run any 32 bit app in the WinPE 3.0 (Win7) 64 bit environment will result in the following error message: The …

wow64 winpe
Installing drivers from NSIS installer in x64 system

I want to add support for x64 OSes to my NSIS installer. One of the installer's task is drivers installation. …

64-bit nsis drivers wow64
Create 64 bit registry key (non-WOW64) from a 32 bit application

I have a Visual Studio installer that is creating some registry keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MyApp but the registry …

64-bit windows-installer registry 32-bit wow64
WOW64: get x64 %CommonProgramFiles% from 32 bit process

Queries I tried: ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMMONPROGRAMFILES%"), GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON). All resolve to (typically) c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files …

c++ winapi wow64