Top "Workspace" questions

An area of memory (RAM or disk based) for which to perform operations.

TFS Error: Unable to determine the workspace for this solution

I get this error when trying to "Go Online" with a project on a Visual Studio 2010 ALM project. The project …

visual-studio-2010 workspace tfs alm
Eclipse getting too slow - workspace recreation helped

My Eclipse was getting slower and slower over time. Tips I found on the Internet did not help. What I …

eclipse performance workspace
How to cleanly shutdown Eclipse from Linux command line?

Is there a way to shutdown Eclipse cleanly from the command line, such that files and workspaces are saved? kill …

linux eclipse command-line kill workspace
How to convert from File to IFile in java, for files outside the project?

Normally, this code is used for converting from File to IFile: IWorkspace workspace= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IPath location= Path.fromOSString(file.…

java eclipse workspace
Eclipse sync workspaces/perspectives/preferences across computers

I have a project I need to be working on from two different computers, at work and at home. I …

eclipse sync workspace
eclipse takes long time to initialize

After selecting the workspace, eclipse takes about 10 minutes to initialize? What could be the problem?

eclipse workspace
Access variable from other workspace in Matlab?

Is there something similar to assignin() to fetch a variable which exists in another workspace and get it to the …

function matlab scope workspace
how to get workspace path in eclipse?

I am doing to study about PDE(Eclipse Plugin Project). I need to get workspace path. My text widget(swt) …

java eclipse eclipse-plugin workspace pde
Aptana studio won't load?

I'm using a standalone version of Aptana and I have just finished reformatting. When I tried to launch Aptana I …

ide workspace aptana
Cocoa Pod Syntax error

Im running Maverick with Cocoa pods version 0.27.1. I've created a pod file in textedit in plain format with following text. …

xcode workspace cocoapods