creating breadcrumbs without a plugin

GANESH JAGDHANE picture GANESH JAGDHANE · Jun 17, 2018 · Viewed 17.1k times · Source

How can i create breadcrumb home->page->post name when we click on main menu any page, open the list of post that time breadcrumb create home ->page name its ok but now when we click on any post that time breadcrumb create home->post category name->post name is is that when we click on post category name on breadcrumb layout shown different we want to its goes on page link, not category link. so we need to when we open any post we need to create the breadcrumb like this home->page name->post name so when we click on page name open the post list page, not category page.


Nabeel Khan picture Nabeel Khan · Jun 17, 2018

WordPress doesn't provide builtin breadcrumbs functionality. Thus you'll have to either use a plugin or else code it yourself (or copy from the reference below).

As a matter of fact, the plugin or custom code, if providing similar functionality, make not much of a difference. Thus use the one which is more convenient for you.

If you would like to add a custom code, here are few resources which I could look up on search:

You can look into them and modify them as you wish!

I hope it helps!