I have a custom post type(product) with taxonomy product-type
. One of my url like this:
I want this like:
I have used "rewrite" => array('slug' => '/ ', 'with_front' => false
in register_taxonomy
function and I got the url like:
But I got 404 not found in other pages.
Anyone can help me?
I think you forgot to rewrite custom taxonomy post slug.
Write this in your register_post_type
'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'product-type')
Now you have to remove product-type
slug from your custom products
* Remove the slug from published post permalinks.
function custom_remove_cpt_slug($post_link, $post, $leavename)
if ('product-type' != $post->post_type || 'publish' != $post->post_status)
return $post_link;
$post_link = str_replace('/' . $post->post_type . '/', '/', $post_link);
return $post_link;
add_filter('post_type_link', 'custom_remove_cpt_slug', 10, 3);
Now as you have removed the custom post type slug so WordPress will try to match it with page or post so you have tell WP to check the URL in you custom post type also. So use this for that:
function custom_parse_request_tricksy($query)
// Only noop the main query
if (!$query->is_main_query())
// Only noop our very specific rewrite rule match
if (2 != count($query->query) || !isset($query->query['page']))
// 'name' will be set if post permalinks are just post_name, otherwise the page rule will match
if (!empty($query->query['name']))
$query->set('post_type', array('post', 'product-type', 'page'));
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'custom_parse_request_tricksy');
Reference: Remove The Slugs from Custom Post Type URL
Hope this helps!