Apply filter to WordPress shortcode output

Ph4nt0m picture Ph4nt0m · Dec 7, 2015 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

I would like to modify the shortcode output of a WordPress plugin.

I have tried the following:

$myShortcode = do_shortcode('[print_responsive_thumbnail_slider id="1"]');
echo apply_filters('new_shortcode_filter',$myShortcode);


function new_shortcode_filter_callback($myShortcode){
    //modify content right here

    return $modifiedContent;

Unfortunately the filter isn't applied on the shortcode output.

If I do it like this to override the shortcode and to modifiy the output there will be a infinite loop caused by the do_shortcode function:

function update_shortcode_slider_content() {
    $sliderContent = do_shortcode('[print_responsive_thumbnail_slider id="1"]');;
    //some magic

    return $modifiedSliderContent;
add_shortcode('print_responsive_thumbnail_slider', 'update_shortcode_slider_content');

Did I do something wrong or is there another/better way to modify the output of a shortcode?


Shawn H picture Shawn H · Jan 12, 2017

WordPress 4.7 introduced a new filter, do_shortcode_tag, to do exactly this.