I have an archive-template file that shows all posts for custom post type personnel (called archive-personnel.php):
This is the begining of the file...
//Show all posts for this custom posttype (personnel)
$args = array( 'post_type' => 'personnel', 'posts_per_page' => -1 );
$personnel_query = new WP_Query( $args );
if (have_posts()) : while ($personnel_query->have_posts()) : $personnel_query->the_post();
This is working, but I know that I can use pre_get_posts()
as well. But with pre_get_posts()
- filter you have to check if it affects admin etc.
So my question is: Does it really matter which alternative I use or is just a matter of preference/taste?
Does it really matter which alternative I use or is just a matter of preference/taste?
Yes , there is a real difference:
1) pre_get_posts is modifying the main query (or all queries) versus adding a secondary query using WP_Query.
2) If you want paging to work on the secondary query, you usually have to make modifications to the main query.
By using the pre_get_posts
hook you can modify all queries that are instances of WP_Query()
, including the main query, which is an instance of WP_Query()
and is present for every page request.
Remember that get_posts()
is a wrapper for WP_Query()
and the filter is active when the suppress_filters
attribute is set as FALSE
When using pre_get_posts
you usually want to target specific queries by using some conditional tags. Here are few examples, you can use:
a) is_main_query()
to determine if the current query is the main query.
b) ! is_admin()
to prevent modifications to queries in the backend.
c) is_post_type_archive()
to target the post type archives.
When you add your custom WP_Query()
, then you are adding extra queries in addition to the main query.
I usually go with the pre_get_posts
action if I can, instead of adding a secondary query.
If you want to modify the main query, for the archive of the custom post type personnel
, you can try:
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function( $query ){
if ( ! is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
if ( is_post_type_archive( 'personnel' ) ) {
$query->set('posts_per_page', -1 );
This is untested but you get the idea ;-)
Hopefully the following links can give you more information regarding the difference: