WooCommerce - Disable shipping for downloadable purchases

Alex Holmes picture Alex Holmes · Jul 12, 2013 · Viewed 29.5k times · Source

I've just set up a Woocommerce based webstore and I'm very happy with it so far, but I've come across something that isn't necessarily a dealbreaker, though it's annoying for the customer.

Some context: the store is for my band website and sells physical as well as digital media, collecting shipping information for physical media makes a lot of sense of course, however it's unnecessary step if the customer is only buying digital media.

I've been searching but not had any luck, is there any way to turn off the shipping if all of the items in the user's cart are digital downloads?


LoicTheAztec picture LoicTheAztec · Dec 22, 2016

UPDATE For WooCommerce 2.6+ (and 3+)

1) Enabling shipping in WooCommerce (prior)

You need to go in:

WooCommerce > Settings > General > Shipping Location(s) (selector), to select a shipping behavior for your e-commerce:

enter image description here

Then save. A new Shipping Tab is going to appear in WooCommerce Settings (in products too).

2) To disable shipping for your downloadable product

You need in your product page edit mode within the Product data metabox to enable:

  • The downloadable checkbox (as this product is downloadable logically).
  • The virtual checkbox (as this product is not going to be shipped, logically too)

enter image description here

When enabling the virtual checkbox the shipping tab setting will disappear.

enter image description here

Then update your downloadable product.

Now If you add to cart this downloadable (virtual) product and you go to checkout, there is NOT anymore shipping address or shipping options for this product.