How do I create a 'route' in wordpress?

Dane O'Connor picture Dane O'Connor · Aug 26, 2012 · Viewed 21k times · Source

For my own sanity I'm trying to create a route for an ajax api that looks something like:


I'd like wordpress to handle this route and delegate to the proper action with do_action. Does wordpress give me a hook to implement this? Where's a good spot?


davidmh picture davidmh · May 31, 2013

You have to use add_rewrite_rule

Something like:

add_action('init', 'theme_functionality_urls');

function theme_functionality_urls() {

  /* Order section by fb likes */


This creates /tus-fotos/mas-votadas and /tus-fotos/mas-votadas/page/{number}, that changes the orderby query var for a custom one, which I handle in the pre_get_posts filter.

New variables can also be added using the query_vars filters and adding it to the rewrite rule.

add_filter('query_vars', 'custom_query_vars');
add_action('init', 'theme_functionality_urls');

function custom_query_vars($vars){
  $vars[] = 'api_action';
  return $vars;

function theme_functionality_urls() {



Then, handle the custom request:

add_action('parse_request', 'custom_requests');
function custom_requests ( $wp ) { 

  $valid_actions = array('action1', 'action2');

    !empty($wp->query_vars['api_action']) &&
    in_array($wp->query_vars['api_action'], $valid_actions) 
  ) {

    // do something here



Just remember to flush the rewrite rules by visiting /wp-admin/options-permalink.php or calling flush_rewrite_rules only when needed, since it's not a trivial process.