Word2vec is a open source tool to calculate the words distance provided by Google. It can be used by inputting a word and output the ranked word lists according to the similarity. E.g.
Word Cosine distance
spain 0.678515
belgium 0.665923
netherlands 0.652428
italy 0.633130
switzerland 0.622323
luxembourg 0.610033
portugal 0.577154
russia 0.571507
germany 0.563291
catalonia 0.534176
However, what I need to do is to calculate the similarity distance by giving 2 words. If I give the 'france' and 'spain', how can I get the score 0.678515 without reading the whole words list by giving just 'france'.
gensim has a Python implementation of Word2Vec which provides an in-built utility for finding similarity between two words given as input by the user. You can refer to the following:
The syntax in Python for finding similarity between two words goes like this:
>> from gensim.models import Word2Vec
>> model = Word2Vec.load(path/to/your/model)
>> model.similarity('france', 'spain')