A word is the amount of data that a processor can fit in its general-purpose registers -- effectively the amount of data the processor can handle "at once". Programming-related questions concerning Microsoft Word should NOT use this tag - use the tag [ms-word] instead.
i have came across the sentence "in a nutshell" while reading a technical book . i want to know the meaning …
wordI am looking for the most efficient algorithm to form all possible combinations of words from a string. For example: …
algorithm string dictionary word substringI want to find words which start with a specific letter in a string using the following code. The specific …
javascript regex search wordlearning python currently and having a bit of a problem. I'm trying to take a line from another subprogram and …
python word line strip punctuationIf you search google for word segmentation there really are no very good descriptions of it and I'm just trying …
dynamic word iteration text-segmentation