WooCommerce - Getting total products count in the cart - not their quantity

wordpress tips picture wordpress tips · Aug 2, 2015 · Viewed 7.5k times · Source

I have total cart quantity but I need count of products available in the cart. I donot want to show total quantity but want to show total products/orders in the cart.

Please help!


OpenWebWar picture OpenWebWar · Sep 4, 2015

i had same issue in client project @ jivith.com

But i resolved ...

Use in minicart / cart function replace total products count in the cart - not their quantity items

$_cartQty = count( WC()->cart->get_cart() );
**or** use sizeof (WC()->cart->get_cart());

i getting the total unique total products count in the cart instead of item of their quantity...

My demo code:

<span class="cart-items"><?php echo ($minicart_type == 'minicart-inline')
                        ? '<span class="mobile-hide">' . sprintf( _n( '%d item', '%d items', $_cartQty, 'porto' ), $_cartQty ) . '</span><span class="mobile-show">' . $_cartQty . '</span>'
                        : (($_cartQty > 0) ? $_cartQty : '0'); ?></span>