Top "Wkwebview" questions

A WKWebView object displays interactive web content.

Capture redirect url in wkwebview in ios

How do I capture the redirection url in when using WKWebView like if a webpage redirects to another page on …

ios objective-c swift uiwebview wkwebview
iOS11 WKWebview crash due to NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException

With ObjectiveC I am developing a SingleView app targeting iOS 11 having one view controller/view. In the Main.storyboard on …

ios objective-c iphone ios11 wkwebview
Allow unverified ssl certificates in WKWebView

I'm trying to load a HTTPS url with an self-signed certificate in a WKWebView for iOS 8 and it keeps failing. …

ios ssl uiwebview self-signed wkwebview
How to add Activity Indicator to WKWebView (Swift 3)

I have a wkwebview in my app, and I want to add an activity indicator to it. I want it …

ios swift3 wkwebview uiactivityindicatorview
Using custom fonts in WKWebView

I'm using custom fonts in my app. They are copied to bundle and hardcoded to appName-info.plist. This fonts works …

ios css fonts uiwebview wkwebview
WKWebview evaluateJavascript is not working, throws an error

I am trying to call an existent function from a remote site in a WKWebview: function addtext (text) { jQuery("#webviewtest").…

javascript ios objective-c wkwebview wkwebviewconfiguration
How to add a navigation bar to WKWebView?

I'm trying to implement an embedded webView using WKWebView. I have the initial configuration and with the following code I …

swift navigationbar wkwebview
WKWebView fails to load images and CSS using loadHTMLString(_, baseURL:)

Apple's recommendation: In apps that run in iOS 8 and later, use the WKWebView class instead of using UIWebView. Thus, I …

ios css swift image wkwebview
How can I retrieve a file using WKWebView?

There is a file (CSV) that I want to download. It is behind a login screen on a website. I …

ios webkit ios8 wkwebview
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - existing app that use UIWebView are no longer accepted

ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will no longer accept submissions of new apps that use UIWebView as of April 30, 2020 …

ios uiwebview app-store app-store-connect wkwebview