Top "Winston" questions

A multi-transport async logging library for node.

Winston log to file not working

I use Winston for logging: var winston = require('winston'); var logger = new(winston.Logger)({ transports: [ new(winston.transports.Console)(), new(…

node.js logging winston
How do Winston's log streams work?

The Winston documentation has a section on streaming logs which says: Streaming allows you to stream your logs back from …

node.js logging stream winston
NodeJS winston log file not change upon size limit

I'm using Winston logging and have specified file size to be max 10MB. { filename: 'e:\app.log', json:false, maxsize:…

node.js winston
Winston: Attempt to write logs with no transports

I'm trying to set up an access log and an error log for my express server using Winston, but I …

node.js express npm winston
Winston not Logging to console in typescript

I am confused by winston. I am using the following typescript code to log onto the console in my *.ts …

node.js typescript winston
Winston not displaying error details

I am using winston for logging and most of the time it works well, but when there is an exception, …

node.js express logging winston
How to add uuid in every winston log node js per request?

I am using winston logger. I want to add uuid in every logs having same uuid per request. In app.…

node.js express logging winston
Add module name in winston log entries

Is there a possibility to save the current module name in order to be printed automatically in winston log entries …

node.js winston
Explain use of levels in winston logger

Hey i am using this winston logger, kindly explain use of level inside the transports, what will happen if i …

javascript node.js logging npm winston
Nodejs Winston logger - log output to both console and file

I've written a standard express server with Nodejs and Winston logger. For some reason, the log output is written both …

node.js logging winston