Top "Winforms" questions

WinForms is the informal name given to Windows Forms, a GUI class library in the Microsoft .NET Framework and Mono.

How to detect the currently pressed key?

In Windows Forms, you can know, at any time, the current position of the cursor thanks to the Cursors class. …

c# .net winforms keyboard
Getting value of selected item in list box as string

I am trying to get the value of the selected item in the listbox using the code below, but it …

c# winforms listbox
Datagridview full row selection but get single cell value

I have a datagridview that is a full row select. How would I grab the data from only a certain …

c# winforms datagridview
How do I clear a combobox?

I have some combo-boxes that are set up as drop down lists, and the user can pick a number in …

c# winforms combobox
How do I fix a .NET windows application crashing at startup with Exception code: 0xE0434352?

I've built a .NET Windows Forms application in Visual Studio 2010. I also built a corresponding setup/install package via Visual …

c# .net winforms visual-studio-2010
Disable resizing of a Windows Forms form

How do I turn off the user's ability to resize a Windows Forms form? I'm having it resize itself on …

c# winforms
How to hide only the Close (x) button?

I have a modal dialog, and need to hide the Close (X) button, but I cannot use ControlBox = false, because …

c# winforms
How to set selected value from Combobox?

I use combobox in c# windows form. I bound the item list as below: var employmentStatus = new BindingList<KeyValuePair&…

c# .net winforms data-binding combobox
right click context menu for datagridview

I have a datagridview in a .NET winform app. I would like to rightclick on a row and have a …

c# winforms datagridview contextmenu right-click
Make an Installation program for C# applications and include .NET Framework installer into the setup

I've finished my C# application, but I have a little problem: When I try to run my application in another …

c# .net winforms visual-studio installation