Somewhat of a Powershell noob here ..
I am working on Microsoft's API for Windows Defender ATP. I need to understand how to extract specific values from a custom powershell object which is returned as the output of Invoke-RestMethod.
$webResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $url -Headers $headers
Write-Output $webResponse
This produces the following:
@odata.context value -------------- -----$metadata#Machines {@{id=f7749cafd089c66e53g21332ba0b426f6f88c953; computerDnsName=desktop-h2134uc; firstSeen=4/30/19 10:03:40 PM; lastSeen=5/3/19 4:15:17 AM; osPlatform=Windows10; osVersion…
My question is - how can I extract the individual field values for id, computerDnsName etc.
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri
$response | Get-Member
TypeName: Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HtmlWebResponseObject
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Headers Property System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,string] Headers {get;}
Images Property Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebCmdletElementCollection Images {get;}
InputFields Property Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebCmdletElementCollection InputFields {get;}
Links Property Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebCmdletElementCollection Links {get;}
ParsedHtml Property mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 ParsedHtml {get;}
RawContent Property string RawContent {get;set;}
RawContentLength Property long RawContentLength {get;}
RawContentStream Property System.IO.MemoryStream RawContentStream {get;}
Scripts Property Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebCmdletElementCollection Scripts {get;}
StatusCode Property int StatusCode {get;}
StatusDescription Property string StatusDescription {get;}
Via Get-Member
you'll know which properties this object supports. Then you can call these properties on the given object:
If you want to select multiple properties you can use Select-Object
$response | select statuscode, statusdescription
StatusCode StatusDescription
---------- -----------------
200 OK
You can, of course, store the results of Select-Object
in a variable.
More of less the same can be used fro Invoke-RestMethod
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Get-Member
TypeName: System.Xml.XmlElement
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
comments Property System.Object[] comments {get;}
creator Property System.Xml.XmlElement creator {get;}
description Property System.Xml.XmlElement description {get;}
encoded Property System.Xml.XmlElement encoded {get;}
The properties you can select/use depends on the format returned in the response body. In the above example, you have an XML body, but it could also be JSON or something else.