ngrok killing a tunnel from windows 7 command line

user3818545 picture user3818545 · Aug 15, 2018 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

I'm trying to use ngrok to foward my app, currently hosted on localhost:3602, to my development partner.

I've done this many times in the past successfully, simply by typing in

ngrok http 3602

I get back a url that he can conntect to. But now when I type that in I get the following error message:

Tunnel session failed. Your account is limited to 1 simultaneous ngrok client session. Active ngrok client sessions in region 'us': - f21bd0dbe67928069054c733a5e11f88 ( ERR_NGROK_108

Obviously I must have an existing tunnel session running somewhere.

My problem is I have no idea where to find that existing tunnel session and how to terminate it. It does not exist as either a running application, process or service in the task manager, and I can find no syntax in the documentation for how to terminate a tunnel session. I've tried rebooting my machine to no effect, which tells me this is probably not a local problem, but rather something running on the ngrok site linked to my account, yet nothing I can find in my account settings indicates anything helpful.

Can anyone provide the necessary command to clear up this problem. Thanks.


Trí Chồn picture Trí Chồn · Feb 9, 2019

for window version:

tskill /A ngrok

enter image description here