How do I get the application exit code from a Windows command line?

Skrud picture Skrud · Dec 2, 2008 · Viewed 805.2k times · Source

I am running a program and want to see what its return code is (since it returns different codes based on different errors).

I know in Bash I can do this by running

echo $?

What do I do when using cmd.exe on Windows?


DrFloyd5 picture DrFloyd5 · Dec 2, 2008

A pseudo environment variable named errorlevel stores the exit code:

echo Exit Code is %errorlevel%

Also, the if command has a special syntax:

if errorlevel

See if /? for details.


@echo off
if errorlevel 1 (
   echo Failure Reason Given is %errorlevel%
   exit /b %errorlevel%

Warning: If you set an environment variable name errorlevel, %errorlevel% will return that value and not the exit code. Use (set errorlevel=) to clear the environment variable, allowing access to the true value of errorlevel via the %errorlevel% environment variable.