How to kill a glassfish server in Windows?

kuester2000 picture kuester2000 · Jul 1, 2010 · Viewed 21.2k times · Source

I tried to start a glassfishv3 server in my windows XP system with the command "asadmin start-domain". The start failed due to a timeout. When I try to start again I get an error saying that the port 4848 is allready in use by another process. When I try to stop the server with "asadmin stop-domain" I get the error that it is not running.

Any idea how to solve this deadlock? I cannot find a Windows process with the name glassfish or asadmin to kill.


John Weldon picture John Weldon · Jul 1, 2010

The process will be java.exe

You can use one of the sysinternals tools, like tcpview.exe for example to see which program is actually using that port.