Qt5 can use the OpenGL driver or the DirectX Driver by using ANGLE. As we cannot depend on an installed OpenGL driver, we need to use the ANGLE backend. Unfortunately, this doesn't solve all deployment problems especially on Windows virtual machines without hardware acceleration. On these systems, we're getting an error message saying that the creation of an OpenGL context failed.
Screenshot: Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat
We're deploying all required libraries (libEGL.dll libGLESv2.dll libeay32.dll msvcp110.dll msvcr110.dll d3dcompiler_46.dll) but we're still getting this error message.
How do you deploy a QML application that needs to run on end user machines without OpenGL driver and on (virtual) machines without Direct3D Acceleration?
There is a page on the Qt wiki mentioning this problem, but that's not very helpful for solving it.
My findings so far are:
Although, Mesa seems to be a partial solution, the configration seems to be very crash often in Qt 5.4.0 .
Another fallback could be the Qt Quick 2D Renderer, but unfortunately this crashes too.
Conclusion: there is still no real solution for these systems
Anno 2015: Broken graphics drives are still broken.
My conclusion for the moment is:
QT 5 has huge compatibility issue with opengl on some hardware configurations Combination of Intel HD3000 driver and Nvidia/ATI card won't work on Windows 10. https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-42240
Intel drops support for this card but their drivers has bug that leads to crash.
You cannot rely on hardware opengl if you want to support customers with HD3000.