How can I set my GHCi prompt to a lambda character on Windows?

bheklilr picture bheklilr · Aug 19, 2014 · Viewed 8.1k times · Source

I want to have a lambda (λ) symbol as my prompt in GHCi (7.8) on Windows 7, so I set up my .ghci file as

:set +m
:set prompt  "λ: "
:set prompt2 " | "

And I set my console font to Lucida Console since it's supposed to support Unicode, but when I load up GHCi, it looks like this instead

no lambda!

How can I get Windows to recognize the λ symbol properly?


Răzvan Flavius Panda picture Răzvan Flavius Panda · Nov 8, 2014

Using > 65001 worked with GHCi but opening other text files with Vim after setting that encoding returned garbled text.

Add the following to your %USERPROFILE%\.ghci. Instead of changing the encoding, you can use the Unicode escaped lambda \x03BB:

:set prompt  "\x03BB: "

If %USERPROFILE%\.ghci does not exist, create it first before making the change.