IP address of the SMTP GMAIL

SBarney picture SBarney · Jul 21, 2014 · Viewed 14.5k times · Source

would you know what is the IP address of the SMTP GMAIL (It allows you to send mail from a batch windows)

@echo off

set repertoire="C:\Mon repertoire\"
set [email protected]
set [email protected]
set copie=-cc [email protected]
set subj=-s "Titre de mon message"
set server=-server smtp.domaine.com
set x=-x "X-Header-Test: header supplémentaire optionnel inséré dans le mail"
set debug=-debug -log envois-mails.log -timestamp

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('DIR /B /O-D %repertoire%*.log') DO set fichier="%repertoire:"=%%%i" && GOTO DONE || GOTO DONE

blat %fichier% -mime -8bitmime -to %eMail% %copie% -f %emetteur% %subj% %server% %debug% %x%

thank you in advance


D.Ddgg picture D.Ddgg · Jul 21, 2014
C:\Users\User>nslookup -type=ALL gmail.com
Server:  vodafonemobile.vmb

Non-authoritative answer:
gmail.com       internet address =
gmail.com       internet address =

Is the way to find out.

You can also type these to get all info on gmail

@nslookup -type=A gmail.com
@nslookup -type=AAAA gmail.com
@nslookup -type=A+AAAA gmail.com
@nslookup -type=ANY gmail.com
@nslookup -type=CNAME gmail.com
@nslookup -type=MX gmail.com
@nslookup -type=NS gmail.com
@nslookup -type=PTR gmail.com
@nslookup -type=SOA gmail.com
@nslookup -type=SRV gmail.com