Git: can't push {n/a (unpacker error)}

Vikramsai picture Vikramsai · Sep 30, 2013 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

I have created a bare repo in my local machine[Windows OS] and installed gitolite as well.

When i tried to push the changes to the bare repo, i am getting the following error:

$ git push origin master

Counting objects: 3, done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 293 bytes, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 3 (delta 0)
error: insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database ./objects

fatal: failed to write object
error: unpack failed: unpack-objects abnormal exit

To //

 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (n/a (unpacker error))

error: failed to push some refs to '//'

I have googled for the same error, but everywhere it is end up with the permissions and it is specific to linux. can you anyone help me to resolve this issue on Windows OS.

As i am the administrator for my computer,Hope permissions would not be the problem.

Kindly help me.


Michał Jurczuk picture Michał Jurczuk · Aug 25, 2015

Check your server, maybe there is too small disk space