I'm developing a installer using Inno Setup, and I need to create a windows user with administrator privileges, I can do it normaly using this command: net localgroup administrators USER /add
But there's a problem... if I execute this on a non-english Windows, the "administrators", group will not exists, aka: if installing on pt-br Windows it will be called "Administradores".
I was wondering if there's a windows variable wich store the admin group name.
Note that using Inno Setup i'm able to use vbs scripts.
I did a function to Inno Setup, also, I guess it will works for Delphi.
Complete list of SID's: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/243330/en
Tks @nlsbshtr
function GetNameBySID(const SID: string): string;
WbemLocator, WbemServices, WbemService, WbemObjectSets: Variant;
Result := '';
WbemLocator := CreateOleObject('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator');
WbemServices := WbemLocator.ConnectServer('localhost', 'root\CIMV2');
WbemObjectSet := WbemServices.ExecQuery('SELECT Name FROM Win32_Group where SID="'+SID+'"');
if not VarIsNull(WbemObjectSet) and (WbemObjectSet.Count > 0) then
WbemObject := WbemObjectSet.ItemIndex(0);
if not VarIsNull(WbemObject) then
Result := WbemObject.Name;