I'm trying to use mt.exe from the Windows SDK to add a manifest to an executable file that doesn't have one, using the following command line:
C:\winsdk61>mt.exe -nologo -manifest "r:\shared\hl.exe.manifest" -updateresource:"r:\shared\hl33m.exe;#1"
Unfortunately, when I do, I get this error:
mt.exe : general error c101008c: Failed to read the manifest from
the resource of file "r:\shared\hl33m.exe". The specified resource
type cannot be found in the image file.
Of course the resource wasn't found in the file - the file doesn't have a manifest, that's why I want to add one.
How can I append a manifest to an executable file? Shouldn't this be simple?
You should use /outputresource instead of /updateresource:.
The correct command line would be:
mt.exe -nologo -manifest "r:\shared\hl.exe.manifest" -outputresource:"r:\shared\hl33m.exe;#1"