I have this:
(Get-WMIObject Win32_logicaldisk -computername computer).TotalPhysicalMemory
to get size of physical memory installed on remote computer. How do I get the FREE memory of that computer?
I've tried
(Get-WMIObject Win32_logicaldisk -computername computer).FreePhysicalMemory
and some other variants, but with no effect. Is there some list of possible "filters"?
Whenever you want to see all of the properties of an object, pipe it to Format-List *
Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk | format-list *
Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | fl *
Or if you are looking for a particular propery, you can use wildcard search
Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | fl *free*
As Aquinas says, you want the Win32_OperatingSystem
class, FreePhysicalMemory
property. Win32_LogicalDisk
tracks hard disks, not RAM.