I'm trying to build a Windows installer using Nullsoft Install System that requires installation by an Administrator. The installer makes a "logs" directory. Since regular users can run this application, that directory needs to be writable by regular users. How do I specify that all users should have permission to have write access to that directory in the NSIS script language?
I admit that this sounds a like a sort of bad idea, but the application is just an internal app used by only a few people on a private network. I just need the log files saved so that I can see why the app is broken if something bad happens. The users can't be made administrator.
Use the AccessControl plugin and then add this to the script, where the "logs" directory is in the install directory.
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "$INSTDIR\logs" "(BU)" "FullAccess"
That gives full access to the folder for all users.