Top "Windows-services" questions

Windows services are background service processes run by the Service Control Manager on Windows NT based operating systems, similar to daemons or UNIX services.

How do i create an InstallShield LE project to install a windows service?

I downloaded Visual Studio 2012 yesterday when it was released on MSDN. I have noticed that a few of the project …

visual-studio-2012 windows-services installshield-le
How to monitor Windows services

I'm looking for a way to monitor certain Windows services (on Windows Server 2003) and restart if necessary. The services are …

windows-services monitoring
Stopping/Starting a remote Windows service and waiting for it to open/close

The top answer to this question tells me how to stop/start a remote service. Great. Now, all I need …

windows windows-services
New Windows Service installed, fails to start: "System error 2 ... system cannot find the file specified"

I have installed several other custom .Net windows services successfully. A new one I had recently written was very similar …

windows windows-services servicecontroller
windows service vs scheduled task

What are the cons and pros of windows services vs scheduled tasks for running a program repeatedly (e.g. every …

windows-services scheduled-tasks
ServiceController seems to be unable to stop a service

I'm trying to stop a Windows service on a local machine (the service is Topshelf.Host, if that matters) with …

windows-services servicecontroller
How can I restart a windows service programmatically in .NET

How can I restart a windows service programmatically in .NET? Also, I need to do an operation when the service …

c# windows-services
Windows Service not appearing in services list after install

I've created a windows service in C#, using Visual Studio 2008 I pretty much followed this:…

c# visual-studio-2008 windows-services setup-deployment
Detecting USB drive insertion and removal using windows service and c#

Looking into possibility of making an USB distributed application that will autostart on insertion of an USB stick and shutdown …

c# .net windows windows-services wmi