Top "Windows-services" questions

Windows services are background service processes run by the Service Control Manager on Windows NT based operating systems, similar to daemons or UNIX services.

Bulk Insert Sql Server millions of record

I have a Windows Service application that receives a stream of data with the following format IDX|20120512|075659|00000002|3|AALI |Astra Agro …

c# sql-server windows-services bulkinsert
How to install a .NET windows service without InstallUtil.exe

I have created a windows service in Is there anyway i can create an installation for it that …

.net service windows-services installutil
FileSystemWatcher Fails to access network drive

I am trying to run a file watcher over some server path using windows service. I am using my windows …

c# windows-services filesystemwatcher
Delete a Windows Service without the EXE

I have a windows service running on a server (that I would rather not reboot if I can). The EXE …

windows-services windows-server-2008
How does one map network drive from windows service?

I'm trying to map network drive from windows service, I use batch file for executing the following command NET USE …

c# windows-services network-drive
Error in installing Windows service developed in .NET

I have developed a windows service using C# and Visual Studio 2008. I have Windows XP SP2 installed on my machine. …

c# windows-services user-accounts
Getting the error "The 'VFPOLEDB.1' provider is not registered on the local machine" even after installing and registering the provider

Alright, so I've got a Windows service that has a FileSystemWatcher that watches an output folder for some Visual FoxPro …

c# com windows-services visual-foxpro
How can a Windows Service start a process when a Timer event is raised?

I have created a Windows Service with Timer and in firing event of timer.Elapsed I am creating a process (…

c# .net windows-services process process.start
How can I show a Notification Area Balloon and Icon from a Windows Service?

I have a Windows Service that is always running when the user starts their workstation. This Windows Service is critical …

c# windows-services notifications notification-area
Confused over LocalSystem and LocalService Accounts

I am new to windows services programming. I have confusion about what to set the Account type while writing a …

windows security windows-services localsystem