How to start and and stop a Windows service remotely using PSEXEC? Preferably the syntax to write I tried the cmdlet given below
psexec \\Server -u Administrator -p Somepassword ServiceName
PSService on SysInternals is specifically for remotely controlling services::`
psservice [\\computer [-u username] [-p password]] <command> <options>
query Displays the status of a service.
config Displays the configuration of a service.
setconfig Sets the start type (disabled, auto, demand) of a service.
start Starts a service.
stop Stops a service.
restart Stops and then restarts a service.
pause Pauses a service
cont Resumes a paused service.
depend Lists the services dependent on the one specified.
security Dumps the service's security descriptor.
find Searches the network for the specified service.
\\computer Targets the NT/Win2K system specified.
Include the -u switch with a username and password to login to the remote system if your security credentials do not permit you to obtain performance counter information from the remote system. If you specify the -u option, but not a password with the -p option, PsService will prompt you to enter the password and will not echo it to the screen.