Top "Windows-phone-8" questions

Windows Phone 8 is a version of Windows Phone (Oct 29, 2012 - present) that succeeds Windows Phone 7.5 and includes many new features.

Windows Phone 8 Emulator: Access localhost

I created MVC4 Mobile Application using VS 2012 default template. It's working fine in desktop browser using http://localhost/mvcapplication1/ but …

localhost windows-phone windows-phone-8
Alternatives to Hyper-V to run the Windows Phone emulator

I recently bought a Windows 8 laptop just for the sake of developing Windows Phone Apps. Mine is not a Pro …

visual-studio-2012 windows-8 windows-phone-8 hyper-v windows-phone-8-emulator
Browsing Windows Phone 8 file system in the emulator

Is there a way to browse the file system of Windows Phone 8 running in the emulator, preferably while the emulator …

windows-phone-8 windows-phone-8-emulator
LongListSelector: Item tap?

I am using LongListSelector control on Windows Phone 8 and can't figure out the best way to handle a tap on …

c# xaml windows-phone-8 longlistselector
Windows Phone 8 support to capture SMS or a incoming call?

Can we write 3rd-party app to capture SMS or a incoming call on Windows phone 8?

using SQLite inside portable class library

recently we started to work on a new project which includes clients for Windows 8 Metro, Windows Phone and Desktop application. …

c# sqlite windows-8 windows-phone-8 portable-class-library
Prevent scrolling out of CordovaView in Cordova for Windows Phone 8

In a Windows Phone 8 Cordova application I'm able to click and drag horizontally in the app and pan/scroll past …

cordova windows-phone-8 windows-phone
phonegap - sqlite or Indexed DB?

I am web developer starting with phonegap. I need to create one app for iPhone, android and Windows Phone 8. I …

android iphone cordova windows-phone-8 web-sql
how to wait until a web request with HttpWebRequest is finished?

I am doing a web request to login in a my web services and I have a problem. I need …

c# rest windows-phone-8 httpwebrequest httpwebresponse
Disable web page navigation on swipe(back and forward)

On a Windows phone, in IE users can go back and forward by swiping on the screen if the swipe …

javascript css internet-explorer windows-phone-8 windows-phone-8.1